Our mission is remission.

Comprehensive care + frequent access to an integrative rheumatology team working with you to improve your symptoms and your life

Founding autoimmune patient-clinicians Dr. Yu, MD, Director of Integrative Rheumatology and
Dr. Feldman, Co-founder

Our Approach

Holistic Care

For people with rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, lupus, fibromyalgia, and/or sjögren's syndrome

Experience an accessible, team-based integrative rheumatology and lifestyle medicine practice tirelessly devoted to your sustained remission. We will work with you over the short- and long-term to create a treatment plan to help you heal.

You’ll see a coordinated care team of 4 autoimmune-experienced providers via frequent telehealth appointments in our virtual clinic + work with a care coordinator who helps with meds, labs and insurance.

Plus, track your symptoms, message your providers, and get mindset, meals and movement ideas and support.

Our in-network PPO insurance partners

Not sure if Rheumission services are covered by your insurance, or want to be self-pay?

Ask Us!

Be part of rheumission!

As of January 2024, we are in-network with Aetna California members 18 years and older. We expect to be in-network for California-based 18+ years old members of Anthem California, Blue Shield of California, Cigna California, UnitedHealthcare California in February-March 2024.

If you are in California with one of these five insurance companies, please fill out some details below to get added to our waitlist. We will keep you posted on our launch progress, and will be in touch once we can book your first appointment!
By entering the information below, you are agreeing that the rheumission team may contact you for treatment and other permitted purpose

Be part of rheumission!

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