Living with AS

Kyle: Before and After Rheumission

My name is Kyle, and I have worked with the Rheumission team for around 6 months to treat my Ankylosing Spondylitis.

Autoimmune diagnosis after 4 doctors
HLA-B27 gene for ankylosing spondylitis
Small business owner + body builder

"I saw four doctors over 3 years before I got my diagnosis. I was given the promise of getting better from PT and surgery, because the first three doctors didn't do labs. I was constantly dealing with pain that made it hard to move & the uncertainty of how each day would go."


“Since I started with Rheumission, things have finally started to turn around. Rheumission has given me my life back. The biggest part of that is that I can forget about my AS at times, knowing this team is there for me – that is a huge freedom for me.”