Welcome to Rheumission

Get ready to have a great first rheum visit

We're excited to meet you and get you started down your new treatment path! Bookmark this page to ensure you have this info handy.

What To Do Before Your First Visit:

1. Complete the New Patient info form which covers:

Insurance information + card
Visit reasons + health history
Pain assessment

2. Fill out credit card form

A secure credit card form link will arrive via SMS text 24 hours prior to your appointment

3. Send us your prior lab work or imaging (optional)

You can email us your records via: support@rheumission.com

4. Join your provider's telehealth link at your visit time

Click the link below with your provider's name to join your appointment 5-10 minutes before the visit time:
Dr. Beth Biggee: https://rheumission.doxy.me/drbiggee
Jill Ryan, PA: https://rheumission.doxy.me/pajill

Meet Your Rheum Providers

Dr. Beth Biggee, MD
Integrative Rheumatologist

Compassionate rheumatologist with over 20 years of experience and 3x board certifications in rheumatology, integrative medicine, and lifestyle medicine. Read full bio.

Telehealth location: Join this link at your appointment time with Dr. Biggee.

Jill Ryan, PA-C
Integrative Rheumatology Physician Assistant

Passionate rheumatology PA with 30 years experience. Empowering patients to lead healthier, happier lives through comprehensive care, education, and support. Read full bio.

Telehealth location: Join this link at your appointment time with PA Jill.

Getting Ready for Appointments

I booked my first appointment! What happens next?

After you schedule your first appointment, you will receive a SMS text and email reminders of your appointment, including how to get in touch with us for any questions or changes.

We have three to-do's before your first appointment:
1. Complete the New Patient Info form linked here.
2. Complete the credit card form sent via SMS 24 hours prior to your appointment.
3. (Optional) Send your prior labwork, imaging and other helpful health data from prior diagnoses or suspected diagnoses to support@rheumission.com

We ask that you try to complete these to-do's 24 hours prior to your appointment, so that your provider has time to review all of your information and can spend the majority of your appointment time talking with you. We can't wait to meet you!

It's time for my appointment. How do I join?

There are two ways to join your first integrative rheumatology appointment:

1. Doxy.me, via web browser:
Click the link below for the rheumatology provider you are seeing. Please join 5-10 minutes before your appointment time.
Dr. Beth Biggee, integrative rheumatologist: https://rheumission.doxy.me/drbiggee
Jill Ryan, integrative rheumatology PA: https://rheumission.doxy.me/pajill

2. Rheumission app:
To download the app, click the link in the SMS text that was sent after you booked your visit. If need a new app invite, let us know via: email support@rheumission.com, or text 760.400.9316

Once you've downloaded the app:
(a) Login via the Rheumission app on your phone, or your desktop or tablet browser (Google Chrome, FireFox Mozilla, or Safari. Note: Rheumission is not supported on Internet Explorer).
(b) Enter the phone number you signed up with (your username) and your password.
(c) Go to the Appointments section of the app, and click ‘Join’ under the appropriate appointment.

What if I forgot my Rheumission App password? 
Under the password section, click ‘Forgot Password’. Enter your username (the phone number you signed up with) where prompted. You will receive a reset link to your email within 30 minutes. Click the reset link and choose a new password.

Can I use my computer or tablet instead of my phone?
Yes! You can login to Rheumission app on your computer as well. After finishing the enrollment and setting your password, you can click the link here and enter your username, phone number used to sign up and your password.

Rheumission app is supported on the following internet browsers: Google Chrome, FireFox (Mozilla), Safari. Note: Rheumission is not supported on Internet Explorer.

What is the turnaround time for prescriptions and prescription refills? How do I purchase any supplements that you recommend?

For prescriptions that require a prior autorization (PA), turnaround time can depend on medication, sometimes taking as little as 2 weeks and on occasion can take a month or more. If you have not received an update within 2 weeks after the initial prescription, follow up with your care coordinator via Rheumission app. For prescriptions not requiring a PA, they should be faxed to your preferred pharmacy within 24-48 hours of your appointment.

For recommended supplements, you will receive an invitation to Fullscript.com to create an account and access any supplements recommended by your provider.

Why do I need to take surveys/assessments before and after my appointment?

Surveys and assessments are an important part of the information we use to understand how you are doing, and to create the best treatment plan, for you and with you.

We ask that you complete the most important surveys related to your symptoms, lifestyle, quality of life, well-being and patient satisfaction before your first and every follow-up appointment. You will see surveys assigned to you in your Rheumisson app, so you always know which ones need to be done. These surveys usually take less than 5 minutes, and are intended to be quick to complete.

Once your submit your surveys, our providers review your responses prior to your appointment time (so finishing them a day ahead of time is super helpful!). This information gives your provider an important picture of how you are doing compared to your prior surveys. It also gives us a scored view of your symptoms, in addition to the information and examples that you tell us about in our appointment conversation.

In summary, completing these self-assessments + surveys ahead of time -- which we know takes time, and we appreciate your time very much -- ensures that the appointment time can focus on discussing treatment options to co-create your care plan together. That way, the time in your appointment can be used most efficiently and allows for you to ask all of your questions without rushing. Our goal is always to give you the best, personalized care that we can in our time together.

Do I get anything that recaps or tells me what to do after my visit?

Yes! You will receive an after visit summary, which will be available in your messages as a PDF once the provider has signed the clinical note. Providers will send these through within 48 hours of your appointment, and you can always send a message with any questions about the notes.

Learn more about how we'll work with you: